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Portret of a Maharajah
Painting on paper.

Jaipur, late 18th cent.
Size: 30 x 23 cm.

Standing Buddha
Bronze, with separate prabhamandala.

This bronze is in the style of the famous 'Kurkihar-hoard'.
At the base a small kneeling donor-figure.

Northeastern India, ca. 10th cent.
Height 15cm.


Large, bronze so-called 'Ekamukha-lingam', consisting of three separate cast parts.

India (Maharashtra?), 18th cent.
Height 58 cm.

Detail of a Baluchar-sari

Silk-weaving from Murchidabad (Bengal).
The pattern of the end-piece displays sitting Englishmen.

Murshidabad, late 18th cent.

Adoration of the 'Black Krishna' (Shri Nathji)
Painting on paper.
This is the occasion of Radhashtami, the birthday of Radha.

Rajastan, mid 19th cent.
Size: 32 x 23,5 cm.

The hero Rustam and his court

Leave from a Shah-Nameh manuscript
Painting on paper.

India, Delhi-Sultanate, around 1500 AD
Size: 33 x 32 cm.

Shiva Nataraja


India (Madhya Pradesh), 11th-12th cent.
Height: 64 cm.

Torso of a fertility-goddess


India, Shunga-period (1st-2nd cent.)
Height: 15 cm.

Ascetic Prince

Painting on paper.

Rajastan (Kishanghar), 2nd half of 18th cent.
Size: 19 x 14,5 cm.